Introduction | Jonathan Labez @JMLabez
Photos | Mike McMullen | Cheryl Humphreys | @OfficialSundayBrunch

Flipping through Instagram stories this past week, I came across a series of 35mm photos that peaked my interest by creative duo of Arms Studios, Mike McMullen and Cheryl Humpheys. Flicking one story post at a time, a narrative emerged that coalesced a major reason many of us go out to big competitions like Blading Cup: a chance to see friends from near and far, past and present. In a singular location, we physically interact with people from every year of our lives in blading.

The 4 dimensions of reality melt away and we all exist in what can only be called a magical bubble that’s hard to step away from the day after. It doesn’t matter how long it’s been since we’ve seen each other, how far we’ve traversed in search of our lives – it’s as if we had never skipped a beat.

That is the magic of Blading Cup (and Winterclash). There is a moment of clarity – of what it means to be part of a greater community.

When I looked through Mike and Cheryl’s photos, it was apparent these images were not just snapshots of the present community, but of the past held with fondness and reverence.

Here’s a peak at what Blading Cup means to each and every one of us.