In Depth: Gabriel Hyden

Incredibly long introduction by Maik Lojewski
Photos and captions by Gabriel Hyden

I was blown away by his skills and style and after those two weeks I was 100% convinced that he will make his way up to an international role model. From that point on, everything seemed to happen very fast for him. I met him two or three times every year and could see very clearly how his skating and style evolved every single time we met. From Flow to Amateur to Pro in a very short period of time. And let me tell you, he deserves it more than anybody else I know! He never gave a fuck what others were saying and completely did his own thing from the very beginning. 

Gabriel does care more about quality than quantity when it comes to media coverage, but every single piece he puts out is a masterpiece of skill, steez and art. Besides skating he is a very wide-minded guy. Making music, painting and editing music videos is just a short overview of what he does everyday. 

I must admit, I am more than just a fan of his! For me, he is one of the greatest personalities I ever got to know and he inspired me in many ways. I could go on talking about him for hours but I think I just leave you with the fact that he is the favorite skater of the skaters you look up to!

-Maik Lojewski


This is what you get to see if you take a cable car from my apartment. It only takes about 30 minutes to get there. It’s a magical place.

My guitars and music in general help me a lot when I’m hurt just like right now.

I finally got back to listening to this great piece. This is my No. 1 album of all time. The music I enjoy the most. 

This photo shows a friend of mine and me on the arrival at the beach of Calais on our France trip. We felt like we were living in the 60’s for 10 days, great adventure.

Jam session on my birthday with Simon.

This was the flyer we produced when playing a random concert in France. We took the picture, then went to a copy shop, printed it, wrote on it, copied it and pinned it up all over the city. Was a great evening.

This is Carmensita Spue. I got to know her at the Winterclash in 2010 and I brought her along a trip. A very interesting person.

Again Carmen in the fields of the Normandie.

I got some friends who play in bands and whenever I get the chance to go somewhere with them I do it. Hey, we’re talking about backstage parties and free drinks plus girls.

KC Roche in Florida. Great dude.

I came across this old picture a few weeks ago showing me and my cousin skating. This must have been like 12 years ago.

This was at my birthday party. I was completely wasted and must have mistaken this 6 string for a girl.

Before the concert in Calais we decided to rehearse on the beach, plugging our equipment into some dudes MobileBurger Restaurant. Actually we just asked if we could use that plug. He must’ve thought we’d just charge our phones or something. When he saw us setting up our Equipment he must’ve thought we were freakin’ crazy. He let us play tho.

I was bored once so I decided to picture a girl that just invented the paper plane. Turned out sick. Thanks Patricia!

Me taking a break from rehearsing.

Those shoes carried me around for about 2 years. I’ll miss them.

My band playing at the biggest club in town. This was getting a bit out of control.

Don’t forget to check out our other In Dept Articles with Jeff Stockwell and Marc ‘Enanoh” Moreno.