Mancunian Alex Burston travelled south to London and traversed the UK capital to meet and session with the locals. Making the most of the urban jungle that is London, Alex and friends cruise the streets hitting some London’s well known skate spots and land marks.
Skitching all sorts of vehicles and skating all sorts of spots you will see that London is a great place for a good’ol skate adventure.

Meeting up with locals James Bower and Blake Bird and also some foreigners such as Rob (Cheese Face) Dalton from up north, Jay Ralph from California and Matt Chong from Charlotte. There are always new faces coming to visit London to skate and hang out.

London is amazing for skating and you are bound to have a lot of fun there no matter what you go for. Alex thanks James Bower and Sam Croft for letting him stay at their place and Cheese Face for helping with the majority of the filming.